The muffin top. The spare tire. The baby belly that has stuck around for 18 years. Whatever you call it, the mid-section tends to be a trouble spot for most women, and a topic I get questions about all the time! A flat stomach is possible at any age, but I want to emphasize that there are no quick fixes, spot-reducing cures, or magic pills that will shred abs overnight (But wouldn’t that be nice?). Instead, beating belly fat and bloat is all about daily choices, behavior tweaks, and hard work. Therefore, I’ve complied my best tips to get you the stomach you’ve always wanted in a healthy way. But start today! Not next week or even tomorrow.
Use these 10 expert tips to beat belly fat and banish bloat!A major player in the flat belly battle isn’t always fat, it’s bloating. A puffy stomach adds the look of extra weight in your mid-section but can be conquered by changing a few habits and eating the right foods.
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